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Dear friends and book enthusiasts,

I am delighted to announce the upcoming release of my new children's book, "Brave Little Me." This heartwarming story follows the journey of a character named Me, as they embark on a quest to discover the true meaning of self-esteem and bravery. In "Brave Little Me," Me encounters a wise old owl who becomes their guide. Through enchanting adventures and meaningful conversations, Me learns valuable lessons about embracing their unique qualities and finding the courage within themselves. The story celebrates the idea that everyone possesses their special talents and abilities, fostering a positive sense of self and inspiring children to believe in their own potential. I am thrilled to share that "Brave Little Me" will be available in multiple formats to cater to different reading preferences. Hard copies will be released this fall, allowing children to immerse themselves in the colorful illustrations and captivating story physically. Additionally, electronic and audiobook versions will be available, making the story accessible to a wider audience and enhancing the reading experience with engaging narration. I have poured my heart and soul into creating this book, aiming to empower young minds with a message of self-confidence, resilience, and the joy of embracing one's unique qualities. I hope that "Brave Little Me" will serve as a source of inspiration and encouragement for children as they navigate their own adventures in life. I will share more details, including the release date and how to pre-order "Brave Little Me," in the coming weeks. Your support and enthusiasm mean the world to me, and I can't wait to embark on this exciting journey with you all. Thank you for joining me on this literary adventure, and I look forward to sharing "Brave Little Me" with you and your loved ones very soon. Warmest regards, Michael Arrington MS, MFT Author of Brave Little Me.

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